Sunday, October 28, 2007


For those of you have been waiting .

Shefferd's G.A.P. (Good Ass Pizza)

For one GAP Pizza
Roll out 1/2 of one Trader Joe's pizza dough ($1.09). For cheapskates like me you can get three individual pizzas out of one dough. Don't forget to poke holes in your dough ... or you could have a bad night!

Brush EVOO on your perfectly rolled out dough!

Give to the BBQ Master of all Masters to par-cook the dough (both sides). YES on the BBQ for you doubters!
Be sure to brush EVOO on the other side of the dough after on the BBQ. Give a cheesy smile just like Denis!

Take off BBQ and prepare for the fun! Add pizza sauce and cheese!

That is one hot MAMA!

For the fun part ... TOPPINGS! Denis likes pepperoni, goat cheese and raw garlic. I like mushrooms and goat cheese. Otherwise known as heaven on a pizza!

Almost ready!


Slow cook until cheese is melted and crust is crunchy! If you have a rear-searer (like my spoiled hus) sear away!
Just be patient ... (that's hard for a dog)

2 Horchata's and a Tequila Shot later ... GAP! GOOD ASS PIZZA!

MMMM let's cut this baby up!

I got pizza and beer! What are you eating for dinner?

The End!

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Anonymous said...

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