Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Stand & Deliver ... in 3 months!

This weekend while watching the twins (okay so we were driving around because they were asleep), Denis drove by a furniture place. The hus loves going into furniture places and through the years I have been able to convince him to stay away from crappy, veneer-y furniture. If we are going to buy something, it better be real wood with a lot of character.

Why were we looking for a new piece of furniture, specifically a TV stand? Well Denis caught me at a huge moment of weakness and was able to get his stupid dream TV. For about three weeks we have been the owners of a ridiculously large TV and Blue-Ray DVD player. I must admit the clarity is amazing but I could have lived without it for sure. Sometimes a wife must please a husband with large electronics though!

So back to the stand ... while I sat in the car with the boys Denis happened upon a place that specializes in custom pieces. That is exactly what we needed since our dimensions are weird!

We fell in love with Chris and Joan (from South Africa) and I am sure that this is not the last thing we will have them create for us. Now, we just have to wait three months.

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