This is just a little bonus picture! My sweet son decided to poop ALL OVER ME the first day I put on non-maternity clothes. Yes I did start crying and felt totally helpless. Thank god my mom was here to rescue me from the poop bandit!
We are doing much better around here. I feel like the weepiness from hormones is finally slowing down (still haven't made it through a full day without crying, but close today), we got some good sleep last night, and the hus and I went to breakfast alone today. It was really nice and made me feel like I will surface from the fog soon.
The plan for next weekend is to go to the Pumpkin Patch. Hopefully I will have the courage to breastfeed out in public by then. Maybe I will try breastfeeding at a local coffee shop with my mom this week. I still feel like I shouldn't take him anywhere yet, he isn't even two weeks old yet. If the Patch is a success we will aim for a walk at the beach.
Amy! I love the pictures and the world from Quin's view! Your words about crying instantly brought tears to my eyes because I remember when I couldn't make it through a day without crying. I had forgotten all about that! Hang in is a HUGE adjustment to bring a whole other life home. I have been wanting to call but I worry I will call at the exact moment you finally fall asleep! I will give you a few more days. I have been thinking of you and I am so happy for you! Quin is BEAUTIFUL! What a blessing! Many hugs to you!
Amy! Congratulations! Such a precious boy! Did Mark tell you about the time Michael pooped all over him -- he had yellow mustard poop from armpits to knees. It wasn't funny then (to him at least), but it's a funny memory now. As for breastfeeding in public, well, I think I was on baby #2 before I felt comfortable & by baby #3, I just didn't give a hoot who saw what....Hang in there!
~Christi Laumakis
He's gorgeous!!!!! Congrats again!
I remember the crying all too well. I remember crying to mom one day "What have I done to my life???" Between the sleep-deprivation, the crazy hormones, the physical healing, and the fact that you've just changed your life beyond belief it's no wonder women cry after having a baby!
But don't worry, soon you'll feel like a real person again and get used to the new normal and then before you know it life will be even better than you can imagine!
Oh and I love the name! Only the coolest people give their sons Irish last names as first names;)
He's beautiful! His faces already have so much personality. I can't believe Tiny Sheff is now a real-life tiny Quin. I cannot wait to meet him. Congrats to you and Denis. You are going to be amazing parents. Give Jake a hug for me :) I hope the craziness calms down soon so that you can think back on it and laugh. In the meantime, a few words of comfort: mac and cheese, red wine, and good tea. Miss and love you!!
Best wishes to you and Denis. Funny, if my daughter would have been a boy, I was to name him Quinn. You two will make wonderful parents. All the best to you three!
Best wishes to you and your wonderful family.
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