Thursday, October 1, 2009

Single Digit Days ...

I logged onto the blog this morning and was baffled to see that my count-down timer is in single digits. Now, I know that I am due soon but man it caught me off guard. Not much has changed around here other than the laundry is done, I have made two loaves of banana bread, one loaf of zucchini bread and I will be making either pumpkin chocolate chip muffins or bread! Now baking, that is my kind of nesting!

This morning I was just thinking about my life with my husband. I am one lucky woman and I probably don't tell him that enough. He is nurturing, supportive and frankly doesn't take any of my shit. He is the father of my son, my best friend and he is someone that I can't wait to grow old with. I know that things are going to be different after Tiny Sheff arrives (okay, okay, we still haven't decided on his name), but I am hoping that our relationship grows even deeper. I can't wait to see my son asleep on his daddy's chest! We are one lucky family and I can't wait to grow to a family of three.

As far as names go, man have we heard some interesting ones from friends and family! There are a few that I am afraid are going to stick even though we would never dream of naming our child something that mean! Take a look at the list below:

German Shefferd (thanks Aunt Clair ... we know you will call him this FOREVER)
Shea D. Shefferd (say it together fast!)
Bleys (pronounced Blaze)
Thelordismy Shefferd

and there have been plenty more. You will have to stay tuned to learn his name!

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