Thursday, July 31, 2008

Ready to Become One with the ...


A few weeks ago I was sitting at my computer one evening (okay every evening) when i heard Denis say "Holy $hit, there is a spider in the house". Those of you that have been to our house know that we (Denis) tend to leave doors open to get the awesome ocean breeze and we (me) spend a lot of time vacuuming bugs out of the windowsills.

Since we live against a small mountain we tend to get all sorts of wildlife. Most of it we really love, with exception of the rattlesnake the first summer we were here, the tarantula that stuck itself to the side of the house for an entire day while Jake drooled. The dog is a hunter, what can I say?

We have seen tons of coyotes, hawks, quail (we get a family every year), owls, huge crows and a bunch of other critters that are just fine OUTSIDE.

Back to the comment from the hus ... I slowly turned around knowing that it must be impressive if Denis said something about it. Good God there was an effing tarantula on the wall of my kitchen. I do pride myself on handling spiders, lizards and the occasional mouse that Jake catches ... but a big ass hairy tarantula in my kitchen. I jumped out of my chair and started screaming that woke up Jake who Denis grabbed as he saw the tarantula. YUCK!

The hus saved the day and got that nasty spider out of my kitchen. The next day I ordered new screen doors!


Journal of a ____ said...

Ahhh! Gross. I do not like spiders.

Wish you could help with the invites too!

Anonymous said...

i just jumped back in my seat and had to walk away from the computer. i would have cried. i can handle most bugs, but that would have scared the crap out of me. thank god for the husband!

AerialView said...

Holy Sheff!! That thing is big enough to deserve a name and maybe even a spot in the title of this blog....